Cyber attack

By the Cyber Team

A cyber attack is a computer attack which goal is to get access to private information such as credit card information through viruses. Ways to avoid cyber attacks: Be careful of downloading apps, music files, or videos online. It could even be an urgent message with a link from your bank or credit card company. Hover over the link, but do not click on it. Then look at your web address to identify possible virus. The problem with infected sites is because sometimes you won’t even be aware that your computer is infected as you continue to browse. A sure way to be protected from attacks is installing anti-virus software. Cyberattacks may include the following consequences:

  1. Identity theft, fraud, extortion
  2. Malware, pharming, phishing, spamming, spoofing, spyware, Trojans and viruses
  3. Stolen hardware, such as laptops or mobile devices
  4. Denial-of-service and distributed denial-of-service attacks
  5. Breach of access
  6. Password sniffing
  7. System infiltration
  8. Website defacement
  9. Private and public Web browser exploitsv
  10. Instant messaging abuse
  11. Intellectual property (IP) theft or unautho+rized access

Quiz questions: 
1. What is the best way to avoid a cyber attack
	A. Bodyguards
	B. computer case
	C. Anti-virus software
	D. Run away
2. What should you do if you receive a suspicious looking email/link?
	A. Click on it
	A. Respond to it
	A. Send it to your mom
	A. Ignore it 
3. What are most cyber attacks directed at?
	A. The snacks in the pantry
	A. Your computer's personal/credit card information
	A. Your house
	A. Your dog