Cyber Security

By the Cyber Team

Cybersecurity is a set of techniques used to protect the integrity of networks, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. Having the latest security software, web browser, and operating system are good defenses against viruses, malware, and other online threats. The best way to keep your online accounts secure is to keep a variety of passwords of each separate account and to keep them as strong as possible. A strong password consists of variation of uppercase and lowercase letters with a recommended 12 characters minimum. Also, learn to spot scam emails. If you come across a suspicious looking email or link, hover over the link or double check the sender's address to verify that it matches the emails purpose. Where applicable, run a search on the company or organization the sender purports to work for. Scammers will sometimes use fake company or organization names that sound legitimate. Running a simple Google search will help you determine if the organization exists.

Following these simple steps can help prevent future attacks and stay cyber secure.

Quiz questions:
1. What is the best way to stay cyber secure?
	A. Tell you online friend all your personal info
	B. Never give out personal info online 
	C. Never use your computer ever
	D. Get super buff
2. What is the point of cyber security?
	A. Honestly Idk it sounds cool
	B. I don’t want to get hacked
	C. To not get hurt
	D. To not cry